Gladstone Cloud Enhancements

In this article we talk about the new implementation of Remote Desktop using Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) which replaces our current RDP connection model.

Whilst AVD sounds complicated, it is just an upgrade to your remote desktop client your currently using.

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What is Azure Virtual Desktop? 

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) uses the latest Remote Desktop clients and is the latest update to the service Gladstone are using to deploy Plus2 to all customers on our Hosted and Cloud platforms.  This platform has been designed and built using the latest releases and enhancements from Microsoft which now enable us to stream Plus2 to you. To keep up with the latest cyber security threats, AVD takes advantages of the significant changes and advancements in cloud platforms since our hosted platform was first introduced. This goes for our Infrastructure as well as your own, the security of the platform starts at your users login and this was one of the biggest drivers to making this change. 

What is the difference between how I connect now and Azure Virtual Desktop? 

First up - its part of the Gladstone Cloud platform! To make use of the benefits that Gladstone Cloud offers, we are moving to the latest Remote Desktop client offered by Microsoft.

Alongside that, the differences are mainly around how you connect and the experience of it when you do. AVD is protected by Azure Active Directory. This enhanced level of security moves the login process into a best practice authentication model and stops hardcoded passwords in files on customer desktops. When using Plus2 through AVD, the experience is a much more native one. Plus2 is streamed to your computer rather than having a remote desktop window open all the time. This means using Plus2 is far more secure. Training its use becomes much easier too: Gone are the days you need to train someone how to use a remote desktop session! 

A notable change and benefit when moving to AVD is you no longer need to keep the RDP ports open - AVD works over the HTTPS port – the same as standard web traffic. No need to keep the 3391 or 3389 ports open!

Ever experienced a connection drop out? AVD is designed to resolve these issues. Many of our customers are on managed networks (even if they don't realise!) which tend to have rules in which will close connections to the RDP ports after a set period of time for security reasons. As AVD uses the standard HTTPs ports (443) - this is seen as standard web traffic and therefore these issues are banished to the past!

Another significant improvement we have made the introduction of Gladstone Drive. This new way of accessing files allows for customers to use a web portal to access what used to be called the "M Drive". This removes the need to map any network drives or login to a remote desktop to get files and data. This is available now for all customers, please see the instructions to login.

Login with 3 simple steps!


Download Latest Remote Desktop Client


Login with your Gladstone Hosted credentials


Start streaming Plus2 and EyeQ!

Connect to Gladstone Cloud

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Access Gladstone Drive

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Am I on a compatible version of Plus2?

Most customers can take AVD straight away. There are however some customers who will need an upgrade first. AVD supports versions 11.0.32 and 12.3.163. If you are not on either of these versions we will be in touch soon to discuss getting you moved to one of these versions. 

Do I need to be on a single database to use AVD?

No, AVD is available to all customers regardless of database deployment. 

Do I need to be on your cloud platform to use AVD?

AVD is available to all customers, hosted and cloud. If you are still on the Gladstone Signature hosted platform, moving to AVD is taking one step closer to being on our Cloud platform though. The Gladstone Cloud platform has many other benefits beyond just how Plus2 is deployed. If you and your networking team are security driven, Gladstone Cloud is where you need to be. 

Will my hardware still work?

Yes, behind the scenes your hardware will still connect the same way 

How do I use EyeQ with AVD?

AVD now supports EyeQ. If you are an EyeQ customer, you will see this appear when you sign in to the Remote Desktop application. You will also see an Excel link which you can use to access / refresh any EyeQ reports you have.

However we strongly recommend you look at migrating to our new reporting tool powered by Sisense or make use of our reporting adaptor which allows you to use tools like PowerBI. 

Where is my data stored?

Data security is extremely important to us and we take all efforts to protect customer data at all time. All data remains in the UK and our Infrastructure is located in the Azure UK South data centre.

No data is moved outside the UK at any point and is all encrypted at rest.

What devices work with AVD?

Please see the below for supported operating systems:

What version of windows do I need?

Whilst AVD works with all current Windows 10+ versions, there are known issues with Azure AD in windows version 1607 which can cause issues when connecting to the platform. Therefore we advise you run Windows 10 build 1802 and above to make sure you have no issues connecting.

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Can I still use the Remote Desktop connection?

Yes you can, AVD works alongside our current Remote Desktop Client connection method. You do not lose access to Plus2 by trialing the new method. 

When does the Remote Desktop Client connection stop working for Plus2?

At the moment, access to Plus2 via the Remote Desktop Client solution is scheduled to be removed on the 1st October 2023. You will need to make sure all your sites and terminals have been moved to AVD before this date to maintain access to Plus2. Please note that this doesn't apply to EyeQ, this will still be accessible via the RDP connection, it is only running Plus2 via RDP which is being removed on the 1st October.

Why are you moving away from the remote desktop client?

Gladstone are committed to upgrading our infrastructure which your applications are hosted on. Part of this process is to make the platform more secure and reliable than its been before whilst improving the performance of the applications served to your customers. The Gladstone solution holds a lot of customer data and therefore requires the highest levels of security to make sure this data is protected at all levels. To do this, we are having to redesign how our applications are deployed. One of these is Plus2 - due to the underlying libraries Plus2 is built on it makes it harder to deploy in a standard form. However, AVD does allow us to bridge this gap and allows us to deploy Plus2 to your desktop much more as a native application. Protected by Azure AD, this increases the security we can apply to the deployment of this application. Removing the "desktop" element also helps us make training for your staff easier and encourages members of staff to work much more locally rather than on a remote desktop which you cannot control. 

Do I need a homeworker VPN still?

No, with AVD you will not need a homeworker VPN to connect. 

Can I use SSO with my own Azure AD?

At this time, no. This is due to a limitation with us supporting a legacy AD with our AppV solution. Once we have completely retired out AppV solution we will be able to look into this. 

Can I use MFA?

To connect to AVD, we can activate MFA but this will be against the Gladstone Azure AD and therefore under Gladstone's management at this time. It is your responsibility to provide the devices needed to perform the second level authentication. We cannot currently provide MFA for the Gladstone products. 

What is the recommended network speed required for Azure Virtual Desktop?

We recommend a minimum network speed of 15mbps. See for more information.

I am getting a AADSTS50020 error when connecting?

Some of our customers have experienced the following error when connecting.

"Error AADSTS50020 - User account from identity provider does not exist in tenant"

If this is the error you are getting, this usually happens when you are already signed in to your companies Azure tenant. 

See Option 3 on the following link:

If your still experiencing issues - please contact our customer support team.

I'm still having problems connecting?

Please make sure you have followed the guide here correctly and your using the correct username. If you have any further issues please contact our support department who will be able to help you further. 

Can I whitelist access to GladstoneDrive?

Yes - we are able to whitelist access to this portal. Please submit a support ticket with the external static IPs you wish to use.

If you do not have a static IP address (working from home as an example) - Gladstone can provide you with a VPN which will give you this ability. Please contact your sales manager for more information.

I keep getting disconnected

If you are getting the below message, please make sure you are not sharing a login. You cannot share login credentials, if you so you will get the below message when your session disconnects.

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 21.44.06


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What open ports are required?

AVD only required port 443 to be open. By moving to AVD, you no longer need to keep ports 3398 and 3391 open. 

Do you know what URL's are used so I can whitelist them?

Yes, please take a look here.

Has this been pen tested?

Yes, we have used external cyber security partner to make sure this is as secure as can be. Report available on request. 

What licences do I need?

As part of your contract with Gladstone, the licences for this are already included. There is nothing extra to pay to use this connection method. 

Will there be performance benefits?

If you are on Single DB, definitely. For multi database customers, there are no performance benefits unless you migrate to the single database model. 

Do you have a networking diagram I can see?

Yes, Microsoft have detailed out the ports and network traffic of how it works here


Can I still use my local printers with Azure Virtual Desktop?

Yes, this works the same way the RDP connection model. Local printers are still available through Plus2 when running AVD.

What are your connection best practices?

AVD makes connecting to Plus2 very easy, however we do ask customers to consider Microsoft licensing rules. All customers should be purchasing a connection licence from Gladstone for every user connecting to the platform. Therefore if you are using a shared PC we recommend you do not save credentials when logging in. This helps make sure your not storing user passwords locally which is better practice from a security point of view but also makes sure 

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